Saturday, October 14, 2017

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Truestee (English)

How many people are confused with their wealth and a variety of questions: what is the origin of the property is legitimate, whether there is cheating on the property who is taking care of the property, etc. Although the confusion is not raised to the surface or not directly questioned, it requires an answer.
For large companies, or who leave a legacy in a bank or person in business, usually use a Trustee. People who travel frequently or split locations with their possessions require the Trustee to oversee the property. From the root word "Trust" means to believe, then the person appointed as trusted in the management of property.
A much needed field in a Trustee's work is financial and legal aspects. If the appointed Trustee does not understand the financial and legal aspects, then the person is just a trust to keep the property, perhaps for a minimalist affair.
Trustee for your wealth >>  Ivonne J.V. Purba, SH.
Overseeing property and business, whether properly implemented: ownership transfers, required payments in respect of the transfer of property, profits of business, and all matters as agreed to oversee the conduct of business or the transfer of property.
As Advocates and Legal Consultants who understand the aspects of Business Law and the interests of clients in business. In addition to the legal aspects, it has financial logic so that it is responsive in Anti Fraud (anti cheating) and understand what administration is needed for it. In connection with the business system, it is good in the supervision of the Legal Consultant, to see the connection with the positive law prevailing in society and the anticipation of possible loopholes for cheating. Gives input to company rules, takes care of disputes within the company to the extent possible negotiated / mediated so as to generate profit. This section is often referred to as a task
Internal lawyer for company.
Other work in connection with business there are various types. Among others;
- Legal Due Dilligence >> due diligence of legal aspects of the origin of property, to know what problems when buying property / business
-Contract >> business cooperation between companies / individuals, with owners, with workers, etc.
-External lawyer >> take care of dispute with outsider company or if inside company have existing Legal or Internal Lawyer, then a time required External lawyer to accompany Legal / Internal Lawyer or second opinion.
Price (nego):
Depending on the amount of property / business in relation to the task performed
How to pay: cash / credit, all at once / lump sum for various payments, based on hours for work, or regular pay per monthly / weekly work.
Contact: emeoni@yahoo.com , HP. 08179755729, Available Portfolio soft copy

Trustee ( Ind)

Ada berapa banyak orang yang bingung dengan hartanya dan beragam macam pertanyaan: apa asal muasal harta tersebut sah, apa ada kecurangan atas harta tersebut siapa yang mengurus harta tersebut, dll. Walaupun kebingungan tersebut tidak dimunculkan ke permukaan atau tidak dipertanyakan langsung, ha tersebut memerlukan jawaban.
Bagi perusahaan besar, atau yang meninggalkan warisan di bank atau orang dalam bisnis, biasanya menggunakan Trustee. Orang yang sering bepergian atau berpisah lokasi dengan harta bendanya memerlukan Trustee untuk mengawasi harta tersebut. Dari akar kata “Trust” artinya percaya, maka orang yang ditunjuk sebagai yang dipercaya dalam pengurusan harta.
Bidang yang banyak diperlukan dalam pekerjaan Trustee adalah hal keuangan dan aspek hukum. Bila Trustee yang ditunjuk tidak memahami aspek keuangan dan hukum, maka orang tersebut sekedar kepercayaan untuk menjaga harta, mungkin untuk urusan minimalis.
                Trustee for your wealth >>  Ivonne J.V. Purba, SH.
            Mengawasi harta benda dan bisnis, apakah benar telah berlaku sebagaimana mestinya: peralihan kepemilikan, pembayaran-pembayaran yang diperlukan sehubungan dengan perjalanan harta/bisnis, pembagian keuntungan bisnis, serta segala hal sesuai kesepakatan untuk mengawasi pelaksanaan bisnis atau peralihan harta.
Sebagai Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum memahami aspek Hukum Bisnis dan kepentingan klien dalam bisnis. Selain aspek hukum, mempunyai logika keuangan sehingga tanggap dalam Anti Fraud (anti kecurangan) dan memahami administrasi apa yang diperlukan untuk hal tersebut. Sehubungan dengan sistem bisnis, ada baiknya dalam pengawasan Konsultan Hukum, untuk melihat kaitan dengan hukum positif yang berlaku di masyarakat dan antisipasi celah yang mungkin untuk kecurangan. Memberi masukan untuk aturan perusahaan, mengurus sengketa di dalam perusahaan agar sedapat mungkin dirundingkan/mediasi sehingga menghasilkan untung/profit. Bagian ini sering disebut sebagai tugas
Internal lawyer for company.
Pekerjaan lainnya sehubungan dengan bisnis ada berbagai jenis. Antara lain;
- Legal Due Dilligence >> uji tuntas aspek hukum asal muasal harta kekayaan, untuk mengetahui masalah apa saat membeli property/bisnis
-Contract >> kerjasama bisnis antara perusahaan/individu, dengan pemilik,dengan pekerja,dll
-External lawyer >> mengurus sengketa dengan pihak luar perusahaan atau bila dalam perusahaan telah ada  bagian Legal atau Internal Lawyer,maka suatu waktu diperlukan External lawyer untuk mendampingi tugas Legal/Internal Lawyer atau second opinion.
            Harga (nego):
Tergantung besarnya harta/bisnis sehubungan tugas yang dilakukan
Cara pembayaran: cash/credit, sekaligus/lump sum untuk ragam pembayaran, berdasar jam untuk kerja, atau bayaran rutin tiap mulai kerja bulanan/mingguan.
Contact: emeoni@yahoo.com , HP. 08179755729,  Tersedia soft copy Portfolio

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Legal Auditor

Company need Legal Auditor to review legal aspect in company. If the company has Legal Dept, Legal Auditor may cooperate with this dept. Sometimes need Lawyer from the external of company to evaluate the legal matter in company. If the company has no Legal Dept, need Legal Auditor to review company contract, to see and evaluate company document, etc.